Ministry to children and young people as well as vulnerable people is vibrant and exciting work, and also greatly significant to the life of the church. In particular, teaching children and youth about Jesus is kingdom work. It is a service to the children and youth, the church family, and to God himself that offers great opportunities, but also carries significant responsibilities for the wellbeing of the children and young people in our care. If we as a church take the teaching and leadership of children and young people seriously then we must do all we can to provide an environment that is safe from any form of harm.

All our workers, both ministry staff and volunteers, who undertake children and youth ministry have completed their Safe Ministry training and have valid Working With Children Checks. The more parents and other congregation members are familiar with the church’s safe ministry policies, the more able they will be to support the children’s and youth ministry leaders as they implement them and identify breaches when they occur.

If you have any concerns about the safety of children or young people in ministry activities, please speak to the Senior Minister, the Safe Ministry Representative, the person responsible for children’s or youth ministry in your parish or The Professional Standards Unit.

Click here for more information:

Senior Minister: Jim Douglass
Phone: (02) 4647 2195

Safe Ministry Representative: Lorraine Craddock

Director of the Professional Standards Unit: 
Phone: (02) 9265 1514

Anglican Abuse Report Line
Phone: 1800 774 945